Why have I got a parking fine?

There can be several reasons why you receive a control sanction. It's important that you use the correct vehicle in the app. You can confirm this after pressing "Start parking."

The same applies to the parking area code. Ensure that the area code is correct and always double-check that the position in the app is accurate. The GPS position on your phone may not be entirely accurate in some cases. You can also find the area code on the EasyPark sign attached to the parking machine. You can enter this code into the app under "Search address or enter parking area code."

There's also a possibility that the parking session has ended, and you forgot to extend it.

Before contacting the parking operator, please check that none of the other points could be the basis for the imposition of the control sanction. The parking operator should be mentioned at the very top of the control sanction.

Note: Easypark does not issue fines as it is the parking operators who manage the areas that control their areas. Complaints must be sent directly to the parking operator. Information about the parking operator should be stated on the control sanction.