The camera parking is still ongoing

If you have an ongoing camera parking that hasn't ended correctly, it may indicate that the camera at the location failed to register your plate upon exit. You can send us an email to Please provide your phone number, license plate number and the time of exit. We'll assist you in correcting your parking so that you only pay for the parked time.

Possible reasons why the parking didn't end: When parking in a camera area, it's important to have clean plates, drive slowly, and keep a good distance from other vehicles. It could also be due to a technical glitch, lack of internet signals, or failure to activate camera recognition in the app. Make sure to turn on notifications so you receive a notification that the parking has started and stopped.

From June 2024: By updating to the latest version of the app, you will gain access to several new features. If you experience that a camera parking session does not stop in your app upon exiting, you can report the issue in the app. Tap on the parking session. In the middle of the circle, it says "Report an issue." Fill in the fields and submit, and we will stop the parking for you.